Privacy Policy

Our website’s privacy policy gives a detailed guide about how your personal information is used, collected, and shared when you purchase or buy our products from Mystique Boutique website.

What Type of Personal Information is Collected?

When you visit our site, your automated data is retrieved about your web browser, IP address, time zone and installed cookies. Furthermore, we also collect information which is known as device information such as individual web pages you visit, products you referred and more. We use cookies to collect the device information.

How do we use your Personal Information?

We use your order details for payment information, shipping arrangements, invoice, and order confirmation. Furthermore, we also use it for communication, screening your orders for potential fraud and providing advertisements or information relevant to your purchased products and services. We may also need your personal information to contact you for newsletters, marketing materials, other materials that can be of use to you. We also use your device information for potential fraud and risk with the help of IP address.

Sharing Personal Information?

We share your personal details with third parties to help our website use your personal information. Furthermore, we also use Google Analytics to understand how our customers use the website. We may also use your personal details to comply with the applicable laws and policies to respond to a requirement, for details we get or to protect our website rights.

Data Retention

When you order a product or service from our website, we will maintain your order and account details for our site records.


The security of your personal information is our responsibility. We use legal means to protect your personal information but not its complete security.

Links to Other Websites

Our website may contain third party links to other websites, and we cannot guarantee the content provided in the third-party websites. Also, we do not take up responsibility for the privacy policy, and practices mentioned in the external links or services.


We may update or change our privacy policy guidelines at any anticipated time without prior notice. Your frequent use of our website guarantees your acknowledgement of the modifications and your consent to accept the modified privacy policy. We will notify our users about any modifications made to the privacy policy material on our website.